What We Do
We are always in pursuit of solutions that better lives. With an ambition to facilitate maximum impact, we give nonprofits the time and resources they need to implement change on the ground.

Where we work

80L Lives Impacted
25 States
122 Projects
Our work so far
We encourage nonprofits to apply for funding for pioneering projects that will help to solve the most pressing health, economic, and environmental challenges facing humanity. Take a look at some of the projects we have supported.
Smile Train
Enhancing comprehensive cleft lip and palate care for children in need and transforming their lives
Karnataka Health Promotion Trust
Empowering adolescent girls to champion conversations related to their education, health, and early marriage
Under the Mango
Tree Society
Training smallholder farmers in honey bee preservation and sustainable beekeeping to safeguard biodiversity and ensure food security
Hasiru Dala
Piloting a sustainable zero-waste management solution with the intention of creating a model village
Leveraging sustainable energy solutions to catalyse local livelihoods
Providing food, medical equipment, and other support during COVID-19 and the lockdowns

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